Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good day

Is Sunday and normally we would be running around in the morning but today we had a different schedule and no one had to rush. So the kids took it very slow. Carlitos was in a good mood this morning. Had a couple of arguments with his older sister (and again..she is 11!).

Around lunch time we went to some friends house for lunch and for the boys to watch the football game. He did very well playing in the backyard with everyone and sitting to have lunch. The kids went to one of the rooms and played Wii. After that I had to go and didn't come back until much later, night time.

I got home and everybody was finishing dinner. He was watching TV very content. Then, after that he decided to build a picture frame out of wood in the garage. He begged me to keep him company while there. I did and after some time I called daddy to do the same and give Carlitos some ideas for his project.

Got late and I told him it was time to go in and go to bed. He didn't want to and stayed a little longer. Eventually came in, put hi pajamas on and fell sleep on top of his bed, exhausted.

Another day where he was very calmed down and focused. Good deal!

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