Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today was a great day. We had a bunch of things planned for today so we really hit the ground running. he had his slow morning, watching TV, playing in the computer, having yummy breakfast.
Today was his little sister birthday party, we had to get ready and run errands. Also he had his counseling appointment at noon. So, as you can imagine there was a lot going on. He did great getting dressed when I asked him to do it and was not hard to leave the house when the time came. At the counselor's he was focused and happy, very calmed down. We talk about all kind if things and he had great answers and explanations.

Once we came back he got into the busyness for the party. Helped with the balloons and walked around the house. After a while asked me if I could play soldiers with him, I played for about 15m and we was fine with that.

Finally the party started!!!...a lot of little kids and a lot of noise!, loud, excited kids. Even I was having sensory issues!!. There were times when he looked stressed but handled it very well. The party was over and he was outside playing with his older sister and some of her friends.

Later we had special dinner and a movie. Then was bed time. Not a problem. I noticed he was more focused and clam today. I can't think of anything helping that, actually was a pretty busy Saturday. But I'm glad!

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