Thursday, December 11, 2008


Great morning, slow waking up but doing everything he needed to get done. He even finished early before school.

After I picked him up from school he ran to do house eager to work on his "project" in the garage. I was able to make a deal with him and wrote a list on a piece of paper with the afternoon schedule. We divided his time in 30 min slots. First snack, then garage work, after that homework, playing with the daycare boys and homework again. Amazingly enough he stuck to it perfectly. We set up the timer every time and when the time was up he switched without a problem.

This way I was able to work on a lot of pending homework he had. At school he did a little better. He desperately needs his glasses!!.

He is soooo excited about his wood shop in the garage. Has tools and woods to work with and he does very good figuring out how to do what he wants to accomplish with the stuff. It is very impressive how he can concentrate and do very detail work. Maybe as he grows older he can learn a trade and be able to do that later as an adult. You never know!!

His bedtime was great. Read as usual and was ready to sleep.

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