Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New belt..

He had a good day with a rough morning!!. He had a hard time getting moving this morning and started coming across very defiant and rude. Specially with dad. I did what I could but had to go to work. He made it ok, lately morning are getting harder.

At school he did not do much work but his behavior was ok. I spoke with teacher and discussed all the things he is behind on and needs to finish. I sat him down and created a "homework project" to be able to catch up. Not sure how to accomplish this task but I have to start somewhere!!.

He had karate testing today and he is going from white to yellow belt. he is very excited about it. I will use it as currency and motivation. The kids do very well in karate. He did bother his sister a lot today.

OT therapy at home today. He did sooo good. Even made a necklace to give me for my birthday. very cute!. The OT therapist will be working on his writing to see if she can make it easier for him. He struggles a lot with it.

Plans, plans, plans....I hope that after all the work and efforts we get to see fruit from it. I am faithful and stay positive.

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