Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost winter break....

The anticipation is in the air....I can tell the kids are ansy to get out and have Christmas!!.
Carlitos this morning got up super early, even before us and asked right away if he could go in the computer. I was half sleep still!!. The deal was this: You get ready, meaning dressed, breakfast, teeth, hair. And then you can get in the computer. Exactly 15 minutes later he was ready!!. Is all about focus!!

He had an ok day at school again. Not much of anything, including work. We will start over in January. Today we worked on some late homework packages he needs to turn in on Friday. He did pretty good.

Today grandpa and grandma came over and hanged out with us. He was excited. He likes having his grandparents here.

He is spending a lot of time with his tools!. Building all kinds of things. A car..which by the way he dismantled his sister bike because he needed the wheels!!. As you can imagine my answer was..You did what????. He had it back together in 15 minutes!.

2 more days and we can breathe and not have to worry about homework and reports. can't wait!

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