Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Much better today. As usual all of us, meaning the kids and I, had a hard time waking up....it is cold, and dark..mmmm. Imagine how hard is for him to shake it off. But he did. had breakfast and get ready on time.

His report from school said that he got some work done and his attitude was better than the last days. However he was in a weird kind of mood. Quiet, distracted with his own things, doing projects alone. Normally he is begging for kids to play with him. I asked him if he was ok and he said yes. I didn't push it. Later this afternoon his OT (Occupational Therapist) came by and helped him with one of is projects. He was in the garage building a wood catapult. I could hear him hammering and making all kind of noises.

After she was done we talked about hi and told me how impress she was at his problem solving skills. He could visualize the problem and come up with a solution right away. We have always known he can build and puts all kinds of things together. He has the skills to fix problems but at this point he chooses when and with what he does it. Clearly writing and math is not one of them. At least for now. She mentioned the possibility of him becoming a carpenter or a trade like that. Something to think about.

We had Karate today and he did very well. After that we went to church and he had a bunch of cookies (not the greatest idea!!). Came home late. The kids went straight to bed. In general he had an ok day

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