Friday, November 28, 2008

Suddenly lonely?

He is doing so much better than a month ago!! we are very excited of his changes and improvements with the medicine. Today it was very clear that he is seeking out his sisters really bad, much more than before. He wants their friendship, relationship and company. The conflict is that the girls do not trust him much based on previous history, and they automatically ignore him. The fits lately have been because of the rejection of his older sister. Today he had another battle with her.

He was able to express very well how he was feeling and how what she did hurt him. She was receptive to the information and made an effort to spend time with him, he did very well with her. It will be work but I think they are going in the right direction.

I have been asking questions in online boards about Abilify and something a lot of them have in common is that makes the kids gain weight. So far he is very skinny and has plenty of room to grow. However he is eating much more than usual. So we'll see how this side effect does with him. On the other hand most of the posts were very positive about the medicine. It does make me feel better.

Tomorrow we will be decorating for Christmas. He is very excited and ready to start. It should be a good way to keep him busy and interacting with the rest of the family.

I don't think he truly feels lonely but this last week he has been very clingy to the family and not wanting to be alone, wants to be playing with someone no matter what. He never did that before, must be his level of awareness??....not sure.

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