Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today he did well, specially with his sisters. This morning I came out of my room and found all my kids at the table doing Christmas crafts together, it was a very nice surprise. He was interacting very good and calmed down.

Later in the day he started getting bored, clearly when he gets like that decides to go about it the wrong way, and uses annoyance as a way of entertainment. Drives his sisters crazy!!!.

Today we had his counseling appointment. This is the first one after starting with medicine. The comment was that he seemed in a better place and we discussed how content he has been. Got the counselor updated on his progress at school and such. Carlitos did very well in the office being creative with some cups he found in there. At first in the car he was very concerned about not having anything to do at the office, but did not get frustrated about it.

Tonight we went to a Birthday party at a friend house. There was a bunch of boys his age. They started playing basketball in the backyard. He has a hard time playing that sport, everyone else was playing very well and he started feeling frustrated that they were winning all the time and being rough. He did ok and then finally decided to come in the house and not participate, which is not bad comparing it to the other possibility of him started yelling mad and getting into a fight with someone. He had time to think about his decision before reacting to his feelings, and he chose right. Good for him!!!

He was very tired by the time we came back home. Got in his room, turned his mini radio on and grabbed his favorite book.

I'm proud of my olderst daughter, she is making great efforts to help him and play with him. Very nice!.

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