Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today was a good busy day, Carlitos did well at church. Was able to sit on his spot without interrupting other people. He sat with one of his favorite friends. When he went to class he was in a good mood and did very well. He use to have problems since is the same setting as school, he would react the same. Now he does much better.

On the way home he decided to finish a drawing he was doing of New York, somehow in the process he made a mistake and "blew up"!!, scrunched up the paper and threw it out of the window, he was furious. Did not speak the whole way to the house. As soon as we got home he jumped on the computer for a while and then he was happy again. He still gets frustrated but controls himself much better.

In the afternoon I had a meeting and took him with me. There were other boys in the house and they played together Legos and such. Got impatient for a little while but did ok. Once we came home he got ready for dinner and then for bed. No problems falling sleep (of course his mini radio is a must!!) plus we put a mini Christmas tree with lights on his nigh stand...he loves it!!!

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