Thursday, January 15, 2009


A good morning. Nothing out of the ordinary. He decided to walk to school instead of riding his bike. Who knows why, he loves to ride his bike to school.

At pick up time I went to the conference room at school. There was the teacher, school counselor, OT, Speech and Psychologist. Everyone ready to go. We started discussing his situation at home (behavior) and what triggers he has here. Then we discussed ideas and situations. What to focus on and the evaluations he needs to have. they will be doing all this next week. On Friday is our formal IEP meeting. That should be full of information.

At the end of it we decided to focus on Motivation and frustration. Those are the 2 things that stop him from learning at school. Writing is a huge issue and as we talked it became evident that selfsteem is also a problem as he gets older. We really want to prepare him socially for 4th grade. Academically he is behind. Something that the OT mentioned is that he does not breath trough his diaphragm, meaning deep breaths. that causes the body not to relax.

We discussed medicine and did not change any opinions on that. We will wait and see how he does with the dose now. The counselor at school suggested some social groups for him to practice good behavior.

As of Carlitos goes we were able to finish homework today and he played very well with the daycare kids. He was very good today.

We should be ready to go for next Friday.

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