Friday, December 19, 2008

To the moon and back!

Finally Winter break!!! we were so ready for this.
He did good this morning. Had a hard time getting off the computer, I had to negotiate to be bale to do it. It took us about 10min in the process, after that he was ok.

At school he spent a good chunk of time trying to do his Benchmark writing test. After a few hours..nothing!! no success. I was at school so I tried to help him and he was having a bad attitude about it. I told him he could not go to the garage today if he didn't do it (2 sentences). He chose not to. So he did not go in the garage today.

However..we did have a very interesting situation. He decided to get some coins from my dresser. This are the ones he used to pay for a ruler he broke. He decided that the money was still his and demanded it. I explained that the $$ was not his anymore. He got frustrated and pushy...I insisted in the explanation. He refused to listen and started fighting his way into it. I picked them up and put them in my pocket. He was furious and loosing control. I was still talking to him and a normal tone and repeating myself over and over.
He started stepping on my feet to show his anger. I stopped him and told him NO. He started crying and yelling very angry. I insisted that I could not give it to him since he used it to pay for the ruler he broke (sister's ruler). The agreement was for him to say sorry and buy a new one for her. H did. But now he was totally confused.

Then I realized he could not connect paying for the ruler since the $$ was right there! not at the store. In his mind that money there was his money because he never gave it to the clerk (very logic). So I explained how $$ went out of daddy's pocket and he replace it. It took a minute but he calmed down and started listening. He leaned on me and went back to normal. 20 minuted later he was riding his bike with a friend. And I still have the money!

We went to the moon and back!!

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