Friday, November 7, 2008

Since April-May his behavior has been changing a lot. More aggressive, disobedient and frustrated, very frustrated. Seems like he lost all respect for authority including teachers and such. Is getting very hard to discipline him. He has been caring less and less about consequences or grounding. Even tough he is very high functioning the way he thinks is very different and makes him frustrated all the time. We have tried everything!! he has a counselor, behavioral coach, Occupational therapy, speech therapy at school, a personal assistant and now a Psychiatrist added to the mix.
We have been able to provide tools and options for him successfully until now, the things we do are not working, he is regressing, loosing social interaction and getting highly frustrated ALL the time.

I had to do it....consider meds, I am not big on meds at all. I do not believe they are the magic solution plus I don't trust the side effects at all. I decided to make the appointment with the Psyq Dr and discuss this. I am looking for something to take the edge off and give him more reaction time before flying off the handle!!. So our appointment was today. They recommended Abilify 5 mg. looked it up and it does look scary, this is medicine used for Schizophrenia!!. I got some second opinions from people I trust and they supported the trial to see if works. So I decided to write this blog so we can follow together his experiences in the world of medicine and see how it really affects him. So I started today, gave him his first pill. I'll let you know day by day how it goes.

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