Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Learning disability??

Here we are again, trying to figure solutions out. I think we had some breakthroughs today. As we know Carlitos has a very hard time at school. Specially regarding writing. Well...after observing him lately and after sitting with him doing homework some questions came to my mind. He really has difficulty with some basic concepts, 1st and 2nd grade level. then it occurred to me that he could have 2 different situations.

First, maybe he has a learning disability, if that is the case I think Dyslexia may be an option. Second, maybe during the first grades we were so focused on his behavior (priority at the time) that we assumed academics were fine. But now that his behavior is not the same it became obvious he is missing a lot of concepts he needs to understand to get what they are teaching in his class. This idea would explain the level of frustration he 's been having all this time and why he is quiting everything.

They are evaluating him at school to find out of he has a learning disability separate from his Autism. If all this is true then we can plan what direction to go about it.His teacher and I we discussed more resource room and compared ideas. She agrees and has noticed the same things I did.

He did incredibly well today at school. He had a perfect day. And in the afternoon he did great too. Not a hiccup. Very nice for him.

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