Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I skipped the last 2 days for no reason. Actually I kind of forgot about it. However if anything meaningful would happen I would be typing away. If you have noticed he has been having very average days. Thank goodness for that.

No meltdowns or high stress situations. In reference to his academics at school we are still talking about it and we will make some decisions in the next IEP. I notice more and more how little he can read. Last night I made some Tollhouse cookies and I asked him to read the directions. He was able to read half (with a struggle) I was pretty surprise. Now instead of having him read every night quiet in his room I'm going to ask him to read out loud.

His behavior with his sisters has been good. If they tell him to stop he does it the 2nd time, not bad compared to never. With us he has been very responsive and asks permission for the most part about everything. Also he keeps on going to his neighbor friend and does good there. Overall he has been awesome lately. Happy and not worried.

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