Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here we are, finishing another weekend, it seems like time flies faster and faster every day. This was another day in the book of information. We all got up early as usual on a Sunday. carlitos went to the computer right away. The girls watched TV. As soon as I told him to take a shower he did it right away. His stress level has been rather low. Not sure why, maybe some kind of cycle.

We went to church and he did very well. Got a little fidgety after sitting for a while so eventually got up and walk for a little bit. Then he went to his class. He did good, participated and was part of a group presentation. Not bad.

After that we had some people over for lunch and he behaved very well. Played with his sisters a lot. there were some times when he got a little annoying but stopped right away after been told to quit. He helped with dinner and helped me cut some coupons. Actually he has been very helpful lately.

At bed time he had some trouble disconnecting himself from the computer. However after giving him a little more time he was ok and went to sleep.

Like I said...uneventful.

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