Sunday, December 21, 2008

No...I don't think was good..

Wow!...this kid woke up on the wrong side of bed!!. grouchy, impatient, frustrated, hyperactive and impossible!. I have no idea why or what the deal is. I don't think he is getting sick and I can't believe the medicine would do such a change in a few hours.

In the morning everything was a fight. The computer, shower, getting dressed. etc. Finally we made it out of the house to church. Once we got there he laid down on my lap and looked very tired. But something interesting is that he was totally seeking sensory input (squeeze)he has not done that in a very long time. Clearly he was out of center. He did ok in his church class.

At home after church he was still very pushy and hyperactive, meaning...bouncing off the walls. I figured that maybe he was overstimulated by last night, and still tired since he fell sleep very late and got up very early, plus the new dose. I don't was crazy!

Thank goodness the oldest left for a sleepover because otherwise...WWIII for sure. He has been bugging the younger one, it does look like he is looking for the touch (sensory) all he does is hug her and squeeze her somehow.

Tonight we watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition and he was jumping on the bed half of the time (??). Finally bed time came. I just left him in bed with the radio on and a good book. I have my hopes up that by tomorrow he'll be rested and back to normal. This was crazy!!. Poor kid.

Now...if this does not change..I'll be making some phone calls!!

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