Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yesterday he was a little hard in the morning...slower, hard to convince to wake up and get going. When he finally does it then he is good to go, but until then it is kind of a battle.

When I got his report from school it said that he did not do any work. Only one assignment for the day. That is not very good considering he was accomplishing at least 7 assignments a day. Not sure why the change but we are still trying.

In the afternoon I noticed he was very irritable with the other kids. Impatient and short. He was able to do some homework at first but later when I asked him to work on the second part he got very defiant and he did not have really a reason to act that way. He ignored me and walked away. So at that moment I told him I was not going to argue with him and put the paper back in his backpack. If he did not want to finish ok BUT he could not use the computer at all the rest of the night. With that said I got busy with stuff. Within 5 minutes he got his paper out and started working on it.
He did good after that. Had a good time for diner and for bed time.

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