Monday, January 5, 2009

School is back in session

How nice to have the kids back in school!. Carlitos is desperate for a normal routine. This morning everyone was dead tired but in a good mood ready to go. He got ready quickly and had breakfast without any problems. He was ready at the right time. probably excited to go back to it.

The first thing I did after picking him up from school was to check his journal to see how he did. There was no note. He explained that the teacher ran out of time and could not do it. But he was very proud on how he did at school today. he even did his writing.

He was able to do a couple of pages of homework without arguing and played with some daycare kids. All good.

later in the day he started getting annoying and pushy with his sisters. I decided to get him out of the house and sent him to the park with a friend (very gutsy since he has never gone alone) but I was checking on him at a distance. He did great. came back to let me know he was going to his house to play Wii and was back at 6 sharp, just like I told him to do.

After that played in the computer for a little bit and put his pajamas on. Went to bed to do his reading, turned his light off alone and went to sleep.

Over all a good day for him.

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