Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Old habits!!

This morning he had a hard time getting up, rolling around and not following direction very well. Finally he got started and did good after that.

School however seem to be a different story at this point. Got very frustrated. Refused to do a reading test because required some writing. He walked away very defiant and went to the office. they could not convince him to go back to class so he stayed there until pick up time (about an hour). Having the kind of aggressiveness he use to have. Still not as bad as before but escalating a little bit as time goes by.
I had a talk with him about it, put some ground rules and was grounded from computer for the day. did his homework well and also did good at OT at home.

Tonight we had a church event at someones house and there were a bunch of boys. He did good considering the busyness of the place.

Now...something very obvious now is how hungry he is. I don't worry about it much at this minute because he is very skinny and has plenty of room to grow..however it could become an issue later. I am already switching his options to more healthy stuff but he does eat a lot more. We'll see if he balances himself out at some point.

I am a little sad that he is doing some of his old behaviors but still very grateful he is more balanced.. He may be getting sick or something like that. We'll see.

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