Friday, November 14, 2008


This morning he did well. Got ready without a problem or discussion and finished everything he had to do. Even brushed his sister's hair!!! very cute!. He rode his bike to school and went to class. His teacher report says that his one on one assistant did not go today and he stayed on task and finished everything. They re negotiated his reward system and he did good with that. It is interesting that he performed well without the assistant because he needs a lot of re direction for class work. They changed his reward system today because it was very ineffective since he is on task at this point. He is OK with the change.

If he stays like this he could stop having a one on one assistant to help him out. He has had one since he was in Kindergarten!!! I can't even imagine him without one. We'll see. He is spending more time doing projects. But today he did get frustrated with a Lego car he build, the car kept falling apart and he had a very hard time controlling his frustration, got agitated BUT did not blow up like usual, he was able to work on it and finally fix it, that is a big one for him.

I am so proud of him and all the effort he is making, looks happier and his performance on anything he does is right on track. Almost if a cloud has been moved from his mind. He did have a fight with his little sister but did not touch her at all, yelled very quickly and then he was done with it.

On Fridays we have movie night and he looks forward to it so he is watching television right now with his sisters. Very calmed and happy.

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