Saturday, November 8, 2008

A new day

Today Carlitos had a semi normal day. Saturdays are rest day and doing whatever around the house. He seemed sleepy all morning but then he was playing fine with his little sister when they started arguing over the rules of a game. When I heard it I started walking towards them to decide the rule so they would not argue anymore, by the time I got there (1 min) it was too late, he exploded and grabbed his sister's hand and twisted it, I stopped him and he stormed to his room yelling and then slammed the door. I made sure she was ok and then waited until he came out of his room. He lost computer playing and being with his sister for about 3 hours, at least that was the plan as consequence, but at the end she could not stay away and not play with him so that didn't work too well.

The rest of the afternoon he was fine, I had to run some errands and he helped dad and did the things he likes. His next dose of medicine is in 15 minutes. I was very surprised yesterday that he swallowed the pill, he has never taken any pills. He did good.

So here we are in full anticipation of the unknown and hoping all works out for the best!

1 comment:

Carolina Vásquez Araya said...

Excelente idea!!!! Estoy segura de que este bog podrá ayudar a muchas mamás que pasan por lo mismo. ¿Cómo es que guardas la memoria de tantos detalles? Eso me sorprende... yo tiendo a olvidarlo todo, especialmente las cosas más difíciles de superar. Quizás debería llevar un diario, pero prefiero llevar la cuenta de mis artículos, lo cual no tiene nada de personal. En todo caso, te felicito por hacer este blog y espero que mucha gente lo lea.