Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This morning he had a hard time waking up, actually little by little is getting harder and harder, but still not compared to the way it was before. He is smiling more and seems more relaxed. Still has his episodes but very controlled.

He did his work at school and was able to do his homework without a problem. Did some writing and had some problems with reading time (practicing reading the clock). Surprising since he is very good with numbers. We got most of it done.

Late afternoon, around 5:00pm he looked tired and told me he had a headache in the back of his head. he made himself a Ziploc bag with ice and lay down on it. He DOES not get headaches ever, so my mind immediately thinks is a side effect. However the other possibility is the fact that he needs glasses, he has an appointment soon. The headache lasted about an hour and he was done and went back to normal.

He did good at dinner and then went to bed to read his book and hang out with his dog. After a little while he was sleeping. he has never had a problem sleeping (thank goodness)!!
We are still very happy with his changes in his behavior. And we are careful to take one step at a time!

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