Friday, November 21, 2008

2 weeks and 1 day

Wow....time is gong by very quickly. Now we have crossed the 2 week mark and have a better idea of how this medicine affects Carlitos. So far he is doing very well. This morning did what he needed to do and went to school. The report from school today said that he stayed on task and did all his work. That is huge improvement for him.

In the afternoon he got frustrated because he did not want to play alone and nobody else wanted to go with him to play Legos. Everyone else was watching a movie. He walked out and went to his room, did not slam the door just closed it quietly. Every single time before this weeks he would scream and slam the door. Now he does not do that anymore. He was over that pretty quickly.

Later he worked on a tree outside doing good exercise. Today is Friday and we have a very relaxed afternoon and movie night. I rented the latest Star Wars, Clone War. He was all cuddly enjoying pop corn and family time. He finished his day good and tired.

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